Orde-Lees' Journal - October 30, 1915
"The order went forth that we should start the march at 3 p.m. and that we were to each carry only the following articles: six pairs socks, one spare pair of boots or finnesko, one pair fur mits, one pound tobacco or cocoa and one pound personal gear such as soap, brush, toothbrush, etc.
We were each served out with a packet of toilet paper - a most indispensable perquisite. (Subsequently a great deal of this was used for the manufacture of cigarettes.)
As earnest of what he said, our leader proceeded to set an example by deliberately throwing away all he possessed; away went his watch, about fifty golden sovereigns, silver brushes & dressing case fittings, books & a dozen other things, whereupon we all did likewise until there was a heap of clothing & private property probably of many hundreds of pounds value lying about all over the floe. I threw away my old silver watch, my Cygnet stylographic pen & the entire contents of my suitcase."