Macklin's Journal - November 15, 1916
Today Sir E. read out a list of the duties of every individual in the party in case of an emergency, and have to strike camp in a hurry. My particular duty is to make all possible speed to my sledge and harness up the dogs - receive two sleeping bags from men told off to bring them to me, lash them on to the sledge and then drive away from the dangerous direction. I think this is an excellent plan - for it means that every man knows exactly what he himself has to do. Also Sir E. has warned us that he may at any moment that suits his fancy give a false alarm in order to test and practice us in our parts.
NOTE: Before they abandoned ship, Shackleton used his journal to make extensive and precise plans. For example: Clark gathers pots and pans from Tent 5 and places them in the back third of the James Caird. The crew was well aware of Shackleton's constant concern for their well-being.