This drawing from Orde-Lees' Journal gives us an idea of what they were dealing with.
Hurley's Journal - November 2, 1915
The teams ply to and from the wreck, bringing into camp loads of wood and canvas, though very little food. I examined the condition of the ship, and suggested that an attempt should be made to cut away through the deck into the Billabong in the Ritz, where a large quantity of cases of foodstuffs are stored. This will be tried to-morrow, if the conditions are favourable. During the day, I hacked through the thick walls of the refrigerator to retrieve the negatives stored therein. They were located beneath four feet of mushy ice and, by stripping to the waist and diving under, I hauled them out. Fortunately, they are soldered up in double tin linings, so I am hopeful they may not have suffered by their submersion. On return to camp, my team bolted owing to a killer whale breaking through the ice but 10 yards ahead.
Three seals captured during the day.
There is at present sufficient food in camp to last the fugitive party 180 days, at the rate of a lb. per day.