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Shackleton's Way
Margot Morrell
Nov 2, 2023
Ocean Camp
+18 F was ideal weather from the Endurance crew's perspective. Cold enough that nothing was melting. This journal entry by Orde-Lees...

Margot Morrell
Nov 2, 2023
"Never give up hope."
When Shackleton finally got back to London in mid-1917, he was asked to speak at a boy's school. He couldn't make it but he wrote back...

Margot Morrell
Nov 1, 2023
Shackleton's Way - Leading through tough times
18 years before Endurance was trapped in the Antarctic ice, the Belgian ship, Belgica, was in the same predicament. But the contrast -...
Margot Morrell
Oct 31, 2023
Shackleton's Way of Communicating...
In July 1915, Orde-Lees spent a few weeks in Shackleton's cabin recovering from a painful bout of sciatica. He used the opportunity of...
Margot Morrell
Oct 30, 2023
On Shackleton's Leadership...
In 1955, Endurance physicist Reginald James wrote a letter full of fascinating insights on Shackleton's leadership to Margery Fisher... I...
Margot Morrell
Oct 30, 2023
"our leader proceeded to set an example..."
Orde-Lees Journal, October 30, 1915 The order went forth that we should start the march at 3 p.m. and that we were to each carry only the...

Margot Morrell
Oct 30, 2023
"A leadership book that reads like an adventure story."
Dump Camp always makes me think of the wonderful Dava Sobel, author of Longitude and Galileo's Daughter... "I recall the moment as...

Margot Morrell
Oct 29, 2023
"He looked to the future."
#Shackleton #Leadership #Optimism #MaintainingAPositiveAttitude #Challenges #Endurance

Margot Morrell
Oct 28, 2023
"Awful calamity"
In the frantic days of trying to save the ship and then abandoning Endurance, Frank Hurley initially dashed off relatively brief entries...
Margot Morrell
Oct 28, 2023
"Everyone was hard at work..."
Orde-Lees Journal, 28 October 1915 We had been asleep only one & a half hours when at 2:30 a.m. the floe split in half right through the...
Margot Morrell
Oct 28, 2023
Shackleton's Way of Leading through Disaster
Forty years after Endurance sank, physicist Reginald James wrote to Shackleton's biographer... “There was nothing in the nature of a set...
Margot Morrell
Oct 27, 2023
Leading through a catastrophe...
“To-night the temperature has dropped to –16 (degrees) Fahr., and most of the men are cold and uncomfortable. After the tents had been...
Margot Morrell
Oct 27, 2023
Shackleton: "at 5 p.m. I ordered all hands on to the ice"
South... "Again the pressure began, and at 5 p.m. I ordered all hands on to the ice. The twisting, grinding floes were working their will...
Margot Morrell
Oct 27, 2023
McNeish's account of abandoning ship...
Harry McNeish Journal, October 27, 1915 We have left the ship this afternoon as she is going to pieces fast the stern post broke this...
Margot Morrell
Oct 27, 2023
Endurance sends "a final signal of farewell"
Frank Hurley's Journal - October 27, 1915 "Chips expects to complete the coffer dam tonight, and great hopes are entertained for its...

Margot Morrell
Oct 27, 2023
Shackleton on goals
#Goals #Optimism #Leadership #MaintainingAPositiveAttitude #Shackleton
Margot Morrell
Oct 27, 2023
Shackleton: "A fateful day..."
South. Shackleton's account of the Endurance Expedition... “After long months of ceaseless anxiety and strain, after times when hope beat...

Margot Morrell
Oct 27, 2023
Shackleton's leadership in disaster
Shackleton's Endurance Expedition - The crew at Dump Camp after Endurance is crushed by the ice.

Margot Morrell
Oct 26, 2023
"we all owe our lives to his leadership"
“I do not think there is any doubt that we all owe our lives to his leadership and his power of making a loyal and coherent party out of...
Margot Morrell
Oct 25, 2023
On Shackleton's Leadership...
“He was a tower of strength and endurance, and he never panicked in any emergency. And he was the most generous man I ever came across.”...
Leading By Example
Communicating Effectively
Keeping Up Morale
Maintaining a Positive Attitude
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