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Shackleton's Way
Margot Morrell
Dec 7, 2023
"A Pessimist"
Orde-Lees' Journal - 7 December, 1915 In Antarctic camplife the world is so small that there is not much that goes on that does not come...
Margot Morrell
Dec 4, 2023
"Old Cautious"
Shackleton loved to refer to himself as "Old Cautious." No one else ever called him that but in this journal entry we catch a glimpse of...
Margot Morrell
Nov 29, 2023
"life on an ice floe has its pleasant hours"
Macklin's Journal - November 29, 1915 Did not make an entry yesterday as a large crowd gathered in our limited space to play or criticize...
Margot Morrell
Nov 28, 2023
Heart-wrenching journal entry from McNeish
Sunday Nov 28th Lat 68-11 South Long 52-24 West Temp Plus 20 We got 3 seals today I am not working today as I feel a bit off with my old...
Margot Morrell
Nov 26, 2023
"The most beautiful day..."
Orde-Lees' Journal - November 26, 1915 The most beautiful day we have had in the Antarctic. A clear sky, gentle warm breeze, from the...
Margot Morrell
Nov 25, 2023
"An enjoyable concert..."
Hurley's Journal - November 25, 1915 We have quite an enjoyable concert on our own in the tent this evening. We invited several of our...
Margot Morrell
Nov 24, 2023
Entertainment on the ice
Macklin's Journal - November 24, 1915 (excerpt) Retired to our sleeping-bags replete and very contented. After getting into our bags most...
Margot Morrell
Nov 24, 2023
"Like school days all over again..."
Orde-Lees' Journal, November 24, 1915 Day by day goes by much the same as one another. We work; we talk; we laugh; we eat. Ah, we eat;...
Margot Morrell
Nov 22, 2023
"we do not give way to depression"
Orde-Lees' Journal - 22 November, 1915 Temperature minimum +18. Colder & a welcome change from the prolonged thaw. A moderate southerly...
Margot Morrell
Nov 20, 2023
"Yet here I am, quite happy..."
Macklin's Journal - November 20, 1915 ... Tonight Hussey has been playing his banjo, and I sat in his tent a while enjoying the music. I...
Margot Morrell
Nov 17, 2023
"An exceedingly precarious position"
Macklin's Journal - November 17, 1915 After supper Worsley, Clark, Greenstreet and I held a lengthy discussion on our position and its...
Margot Morrell
Nov 17, 2023
"a truly lamentable spectacle"
Orde-Lees' Journal - 17 November, 1915 Temperature +22 about. Same weather as yesterday but more sun. Things left out to "air" dried off...
Margot Morrell
Nov 16, 2023
"Like a quartette of schoolboys"
Macklin's Journal - November 16, 1915 ... The camp is completely surrounded by water, the lead varying from 4 - 20 ft. wide all round....
Margot Morrell
Nov 16, 2023
"In case of emergency"
Macklin's Journal - November 15, 1916 Today Sir E. read out a list of the duties of every individual in the party in case of an...
Margot Morrell
Nov 16, 2023
"This old friendly floe"
Macklin's Journal - November 14, 1915 ... Our greatest trial is the warm temperature and a fine mushy sleet which we commonly get, and...
Margot Morrell
Nov 16, 2023
"Depressing in the extreme..."
Orde-Lees' Journal - 16 November, 1915 It’s a fine, warm, overcast day. N.E. wind persists. Until yesterday, I had not been to the ship...
Margot Morrell
Nov 16, 2023
Back up plan
Hurley's Journal - November 16, 1915 Finish additional two pairs of crampons during the day. These are manufactured from screws, cut off...
Margot Morrell
Nov 15, 2023
"The hottest day we have had"
Orde-Lees' Journal - 15 November, 1915 Temperature +26 [In this journal entry, Orde-Lees notes in the margin: “In rereading this it...
Margot Morrell
Nov 15, 2023
"We heard a distant crash"
Orde-Lees' Journal - 14 November 1915 Temperature +25 to 33. Bother the thaw; one lives in a state of perpetually wet feet but, strange...
Margot Morrell
Nov 15, 2023
"A walk to the wreck..."
Hurley's Journal - November 14, 1915 During the afternoon, Wild and I went for a walk to the wreck. We found the intervening ice much...
Leading By Example
Communicating Effectively
Keeping Up Morale
Maintaining a Positive Attitude
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