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Shackleton's Way

Margot Morrell
4 days ago
The Difficult Days at Patience Camp
This entry from Orde-Lees Journal provides a picture of what the Endurance crew was doing to keep themselves productively busy during the...
Margot Morrell
5 days ago
A little traveling - picked up the inevitable bug - did my taxes. Let's get back to work! Today is National Anthem Day. Signed into law...
Margot Morrell
Feb 12
Posting on X
Please follow Leadership Lives on X
Margot Morrell
Feb 8
"Tact and Leadership"
“Any and every duty is undertaken cheerfully and willingly and no complaint or whining is ever heard no matter what hardships or...

Margot Morrell
Jan 27
Summing Up Shackleton
Shackleton In the opinion of Shackleton's team, he was "the greatest leader who ever came on God's earth, bar none." Photographer Frank...

Margot Morrell
Jan 24
Coaching Yourself through Tough Times
Photographer Frank Hurley and Shackleton at Ocean Camp Imagine being trapped on a melting ice floe with limited food supplies, no chance...

Margot Morrell
Jan 15
Getting the Best from a Team
Shackleton had lots of challenges to deal with among his team. Photographer Frank Hurley was a prima donna. Hurley was loud and...

Margot Morrell
Jan 14
Leading through a Crisis
“We could see our base, maddening, tantalizing. Shackleton at this time showed one of his sparks of real greatness . He did not rage at...
Margot Morrell
Jan 13
Leading By Example
"Example is not the main thing in leading others. It is the only thing." Albert Schweitzer, Humanitarian #LeadingByExample

Margot Morrell
Jan 11
Leading through a Disaster
Wreckage of Endurance How would Shackleton deal with the horrific tragedy unfolding in Los Angeles? Lead By Example: Many years after...

Margot Morrell
Jan 9
Happy Birthday to the King!
King of Rock 'n Roll - the one and only Elvis Presley - born 89 years ago on January 8, 1935. A poor kid from nowhere, he shrugged off...
Margot Morrell
Jan 6
The early days of Washington, D.C.
"The prices paid for the ordinary lots averaged from fifty to seventy-five dollars per acre. Capitol Hill was expected to bring the...
Margot Morrell
Jan 6
"Bright and Happy"
Alexander Macklin's Journal - January 6, 1916 Today the surface has been so wet that most of us have spent the time indoors. Personally I...

Margot Morrell
Jan 6
Faith in Hard Times
Mariner's 1850 Bible Stranded on an ice-floe, with no hope of rescue Shackleton and his crew had no idea how valuable their example would...
Margot Morrell
Jan 6
Orde-Lees riffs on interest in polar exploration...
Orde-Lees' Journal New Year's Day 1915 New Year's Day at last, exactly one year has elapsed since I first applied to Sir Ernest for a...

Margot Morrell
Jan 5
The Founding of Washington, D.C.
The unlikely story behind The Founding of Washington, D.C. began in 1783 when a group of armed soldiers from Lancaster, PA marched to...
Margot Morrell
Jan 5
Leading By Example
This is an interesting example of how Shackleton modeled the attitude and behavior he wanted his crew to assume: Orde-Lees' Journal,...
Margot Morrell
Jan 4
This week marks 24 years since the publication of Shackleton's Way and it's gratifying to see it ranked #3 in Best Selling Antarctica...

Margot Morrell
Dec 16, 2024
The American Revolution Begins
Old South Meeting House On December 16, 1773, an estimated 7,000 people crowded into Boston's Old South Meeting House and the surrounding...
Leading By Example
Communicating Effectively
Keeping Up Morale
Maintaining a Positive Attitude
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