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For two weeks in a row, Shackleton's Way was #1 on Amazon’s yet-to-be-published list. 

On publication, Shackleton’s Way jumped to the top of bestseller lists all over the world. Shackleton’s Way has sold over 300,000 copies and has been published in ten languages. 

Reviews & Testimonials

"Shackleton's Way is filled with gritty examples of the nature of high-risk leadership. The characteristics of leadership by example, team building, and the spirit needed to overcome great obstacles and sustain a team under stress are well defined here. This book would have been required reading for my flight directors and mission controllers."

Gene Kranz, Flight Director, NASA, Author, Failure Is Not an Option

"A first-rate business primer… They vividly describe Shackleton's expeditions and his powerful leadership style, relating them to today's business world in a streamlined presentation."

Publisher's Weekly

"A refreshing and timely business manual on supreme leadership disguised as an adventure story… Highly recommended."

Library Journal

"An important addition to any leader's library."

The Seattle Times


"Shackleton's story captures the true essence of leadership to help each person achieve his best in order to work together to achieve what some view as the impossible. The lessons in this book are timeless and invaluable."

Patrick T. Harker, Dean, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

“Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell have done us a service by their practical analysis of the lessons we can all learn from Shackleton’s way of doing things…. For me, reading this book is a must. I hope it is the same for you.”

Sir John Harvey-Jones, Management Today (UK)

"Using the Endurance saga as a case history, Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell have turned an analysis of Shackleton's effective methods into a leadership handbook that reads like an adventure story. They show how successful leaders have patterned themselves on the incomparable Antarctic explorer. Better yet, they have neatly codified his winning strategies for the rest of us."

Dava Sobel, Author, Longitude

"Shackleton's situation was completely hopeless. He just didn't succumb to the pessimists. He refused to let himself or his men give up. He suffused them with optimism and hope in a totally rigorous, non-Pollyannaish way."
Jim Cramer, CNBC

"Eloquent and instructive. . . Even though its target market is leaders and managers, Shackleton's Way has much broader appeal and application. Morrell and Capparell have crafted a kind of business parable . . . Morrell and Capparell draw intelligent parallels between Shackleton's time and ours."

The Boston Globe

"Shackleton's Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Antarctic Explorer, catapults him to the outskirts of management best-sellerdom, right up there near the orbits of a Tom Peters or a Stephen Covey. We have to hand it to authors Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell. Everybody's entitled to seize upon a superb gimmick, but they've seized an inspiration."
The Oregonian (Portland)

“All the great teachers that this world has known - Socrates and Jesus among them - were at their most effective when teaching principles and precepts through the medium of stories. Many people have found inspiration and answers to their own searching through reading and studying the stories of others and applying the lessons of those stories to their lives and circumstances.   Shackleton's Way is a fine addition to this tradition. On one level, the book is a 'ripping yarn' of the sort that has enthused the impressionable young-at-heart for generations. On another level, it provides a well-focused insight into the essence of exemplary leadership skills, as well as offering a few tips on how to develop and apply these in less climatically challenging but no less hostile conditions.”
PricewaterhouseCoopers (UK), Corporate Register 
"Is this book a good choice if you have already studied other Shackleton books? Absolutely. I have read several accounts of Shackleton's expedition and enjoyed every page of this book."
Asheville Citizen-Times

"Had a twist of history led Sir Ernest Shackleton to have been in business today, he surely would have found himself in the ranks of Jack Welch, Bill Gates, Lou Gerstner, and Michael Dell. Gladly for all of us, his enduring leadership lessons can be readily applied to help all of us realize our grandest aspirations."

 James M. Citrin, Managing Director,

Spencer Stuart, Co-author, Lessons from the Top

"Your talk and the discussion groups were the highlight of our semester."

 David Ouimette, Executive Director,

First Year Programs, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

"You people hit a home run getting her."

 Workshop Participant, Treasury Executive Institute,

Department of Treasury, Washington, DC

"People chose to miss their trains to listen to Margot!"

 Kitty Linder, President, Verizon Live-Source

"Even the waiters were listening!"
Audience Member, Association of Junior Leagues


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